Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics Book PDF FREE FULL 2022.

 Teach Yourself Electricity and Electronics Book PDF FREE FULL 2022.

 difference between electrical and electronic engineering?

This question puzzles many people: students who have finished high school and who want to attend an engineering college, it puzzles users who want to seek help about a technical problem that has occurred with a household appliance, it puzzles engineering students themselves, and more, it puzzles students of electronic and electrical engineering themselves!

Electrical engineering means a comprehensive and extensive study of electrical concepts, their effects, applications and systems, whether related to electrical power generation, transmission or distribution. Electrical power generation not only means traditional methods based on fuel burning or hydraulic hydraulic engines, but also includes renewable energies systems. Electronic engineering, looks at the behaviour of electrical elements at a smaller level, i.e. at the level of electronic circuits and their systems.

Electronic engineering is a specialized branch of electrical engineering.

Electrical engineering deals with one type of electrical charge: electrons, and all the resulting phenomena, properties and effects. Electronic engineering is concerned with the two types of electrical charges: negative electrons and positive holes, given the importance of this in applications of various electronic and digital circuits.

Very important: Electronic panels and systems all operate based on continuous power, while electrical power generation and transmission plants rely on alternating power, and here is another important difference between electrical and electronic engineering, in terms of electrical engineering's interest in alternating power supply, its properties and systems, and electronic engineering with continuous electricity, its properties and behaviour.

We can say that electrical engineering and electronic engineering are looking at the same field, that is, everything about electrical issues of materials, but electrical engineering is looking at them on a "large" scale while electronic engineering is looking at them within a "small" scale.




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